ALOE VERA : Information about this graceful plant
Forever Living Products Distributor in CanadaAloe Vera - Three Plants
Why is Aloe Vera (Aloevera) so healthy? Find out here.  
Distributor ID: 200002313789

Aloe Vear QuotePhenol, Sulfur, Lupeol, Urea Nitrogen, Salicylic Acid & Cinnamic Acid. All of these items are notable antiseptics, defining why Aloe Vera has the ability to eliminate many internal and external infections and help your body stay healthy.

Lee Ritter, N.D.
Doctor of Naturopathy

Other Names For Aleo Vera:
  • Alo
  • Aloe africana
  • Aloe cactus
  • Aloe saponaria
  • Aloe-coated gloves
  • Acibar
  • Aloe dhufarensis
  • Aloe ferox
  • First-aid plant
  • Aloe latex
  • Alovis
  • Barbados aloe
  • Bitter aloe
  • Burn plant
  • Acemannan
  • Airyo
  • Cape aloe
  • Aloe arborescens
  • Aloe barbadensis
  • Carrisyn
  • Aloe mucilage
  • Aloe perfoliata
  • Aloe perryi
  • Aloe spicata
  • Aloe vulgari
  • Elephant's gall

  • Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera Plant Aloe Vera (that means “True Aloe” in Latin), native to northern Africa is one of the oldest known medicinal plants. Aloe Vera is a semi-tropical plant (a perennial characterized by long spear-like leaves), and has a long and illustrious history dating back to pre-biblical times. It has been mentioned throughout recorded history and given a high ranking as an all purpose herbal plant and medical related notes. Aloe Vera also known as Potted Physician, Wand of Heaven, Wonder Plant, Heaven’s Blessing, and Plant of Life.

    Aloe Vera Articles

    Over period of time we have written many articles where some of them have been published on known Internet sites. But most of them are not available anywhere but here. Take your time to read our articles because they are educational. All realated to Aloe Vera Plant, Aloe Vera Products, How to grow aloe vera, how to consume aloe vera and how to live your life better than without it.

    Other Uses of Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera has been used externally and internally. Externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts and burns. Aloe vera's beneficial properties may be attributed to mucopolysaccharides present in the inner gel of the leaf, especially acetylated mannans. There are not many side effects but there are some totally minor, however, consulitng a doctor while consuming Aloe Vera and it's products is highly recommended.

    Vitamin BI2, essential for our wellness, exists naturally in aloe vera. It is currently one of the only known plants in the world that contains BI2 vitamin. Aloe Vera Plant is named the “first-aid” plant. It has moisturizing and emollient properties and is used in cosmetic creams, sun-lotions, shaving creams and face packs for obvious reasons.

    The topical use of the aloe gel is essentially harmless for most of us, with the rare exception of people who may have some allergic reaction to the aloe. While the aloe is safe to use for minor burns, it must be remembered that medical attention is necessary and vital if the burn begins to blisters significantly or is severe in appearance. Caution is required as the use of the aloe gel can actually impede or complicate the healing of the wound in some types of severe burns and wounds; medical attention is required for such cases.

    Aloe Vera Plants

    Making your own aloe vera juice (expensive and unconvinient)

    ALOE VERA Facts and clearification

    Aloe vera, the plant can be divided into two basic products:
  • Aloe Gel, and
  • Aloe Latex

  • Aloe vera gel is the leaf pulp (jelly-like substance), extracted from the parenchymal tissue that makes up the inner portion of the aloe leaf. The Aloe Gel is made out of carbohydrate polymers, such as glucomannans or pectic acid, plus various other organic and inorganic compounds.

    On the other hand, Aloe latex, known as "Aloe Vera Juice," is a bitter exudate from the pericyclic tubules just underneath the outer skin of the Aloe Vera Leaf. For pharmaceutical use as a Latex source, the juice is often dried to produce "aloe" granules that are dark brown from exposure to air. Very often terms "gel" and "juice" are not right defined by producers and confused by many.

    Benefits to consume Aloe Vera Products

    • Helps With Weight Management
    • Elastin & Collagen Repair
    • Healthy for your mouth and gums
    • Aloe Vera products enhance fibroblast functionalities
    • Support joints and muscle mobility

    Aloe Vera Types (Species of Aloevera)

    Literally there are over 500 distinct Aloevera species. We can not have all of them provided here, but some of the species are: aageodonta, albovestita, angelica, aristata, babatiensis, breviscapa, bussei, conifera, debrana, excelsa, grandidentata, nobilis, procera, vallaris, yemenica and many other species of Aloe.
    Provided material is for your information only. It is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your doctor. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with your health care provider. 100. 1000. Aloe. Tea. Drink. Juice. Organic.


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    Aloe Vera